Angela Best Angela Best

Battling Unrealistic Body Image Expectations

Battling unrealistic body image expectations impacts our relationship with food, fitness, and self. Ever felt pressured by society's body image standards?I reveal the struggle and ultimate triumph over these pressures, embracing a healthier, self-loving path.

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Angela Best Angela Best

Finding My Path: A Journey of Faith and Family

I always felt like a misfit in my family's strong faith, preferring to explore spirituality on my own terms. While they found comfort in tradition, I sought a path of personal discovery, often feeling like a rule-breaker in a world of conformity.

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Angela Best Angela Best

Trapped Memories

Struggling with PTSD from a toxic workplace feels like being trapped in a dark labyrinth of haunting memories and perpetual fear, where each day is a battle to reclaim one's sense of self and find solace amidst the chaos. The emotional scars linger, making every step forward an act of courage in the journey towards healing.

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Angela Best Angela Best

Who am I? Rediscovering Your Identity

Becoming a wife and mother has completely transformed my life and shaped my identity in ways I never imagined. The love, joy, and fulfillment that accompany these roles. Amidst the beauty and immense responsibilities, I find myself yearning for the person I used to be—a sense of loss and emptiness. I've come to realize that rediscovering myself is a necessary and empowering journey. It's not about abandoning my current roles but about honouring who I am at my core. Nurturing my mental health and embracing self-discovery allow me to be the best version of myself for my family and, most importantly, for me.

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Mental Health, Physical Health Angela Best Mental Health, Physical Health Angela Best


Women multi-task, it’s how we get things done. We naturally try to do lots, at one time. At some point, this will catch up. We need to slow down, and just take a moment of rest. If that means for 10-15 minutes, then do it. If you are able to take a day off work, do it.

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