Covid19, Parenting, Children, Motherhood, Family Angela Best Covid19, Parenting, Children, Motherhood, Family Angela Best

Parenting Through a Pandemic

This is a trying time for so many parents and families. We are faced with sacrifices we never knew would exist and there is so much added pressure trying to maintain work and home life. While we are feeling upset and stressed out, there are some things to be grateful for. These will never take away the many struggles we faced, but I wanted to show you that not everything was crap!

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Career, Motherhood, Children, Parenting Angela Best Career, Motherhood, Children, Parenting Angela Best

The Working Mom

Becoming a mother is the most rewarding life change that I have experienced. It completely consumes my attention and emotional well-being. Undoubtedly so, how could it not? I've planned for this time and carried my daughter for 9 months. I was home with her for 1 year and I will now spend the next lifetime being there for her, being her mom. On the flip side, I find being a mom, and being a working mom in today's society, extraordinarily hard.

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Career, Parenting, Children, Motherhood, Marriage Angela Best Career, Parenting, Children, Motherhood, Marriage Angela Best

Finding the Balance

Leading up to and returning to work, I started doubting my decision. The excitement mixed with fear, anxiety, and nervousness became so surreal. Don't get me wrong, all of these feelings are to be expected. As any new mom would do and with the realization that there isn't another option, I put one foot in front of the other and carried on for days, weeks, and months.

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Parenting, Marriage, Lifestyle, Children, Pregnancy Angela Best Parenting, Marriage, Lifestyle, Children, Pregnancy Angela Best

The Plan

From the moment you find out you are pregnant, you start to think about all things that come with being pregnant, and after your baby arrives. You spend hours researching from all the foods you can and cannot eat, to nursery decor and baby proofing the house. One of the most important things that you start to think about is your birth plan.

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