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You’re not ‘Just’ a Mom!

As long as I can remember, I knew I wanted to be a mom. Perhaps, partially my fascination has stemmed from being an only child. I didn't have siblings to annoy and then watch my parents get all "red faced" holding in all of their frustrations because we all couldn't get along. Whatever the initial reasons were, it was in my DNA. I was meant to take on this lifetime role.

When I was blessed with becoming a mom, this was the greatest gift I was given. Although, I must admit, I was incredibly naive what this role truly meant. There is so much that isn't talked about. There is so many "fictional" notations about being a mom, where you lose a sense of reality. I remember having an encounter with another mom at a store. We began talking and I asked her what she does for work and she says to me "I'm JUST a mom!" I told her she couldn't possibly be "JUST" a mom. I shared with her that being a mom requires us to wear multiple hats simultaneously. What I have learned thus far, is that:

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you're not JUST a mom!

I know what you are thinking, how is that possible? Even though most of my time, day and night, is spent caring for and loving my daughter, it doesn't mean that this is all I am. It has taken me two years to realize this and I am still learning this. When you're a mom, you are wearing several hats in one day. For me, I am constantly wearing these hats stacked on top of each other in every moment of each day.

I am a wife.

I am a wife first. This might seem incredibly crazy to you, in fact, probably insane, but let me explain. Before the idea or concept of starting a family became a real life goal, I was seeking the man who would be my life long team mate, my partner, my best friend. Creating this fundamental foundation for our life together, is imperative that it is strong and secure for our family. This foundation expands and contracts as we go through life and life's challenges together. While my husband of six years (together eleven years) continues to grow and strengthens our foundation, our love for each other continues to grow. This love is what grows a family. It's not wrong to be a wife or partner first, it’s fact, it's truth. As our love strengthens and carries us through life, it's so important to remember where this love started, our journey, because without this love, ultimately, I wouldn't be a mother today. This doesn't mean that I love my daughter any less, or my husband any less, it means that I respect and appreciate my love and partnership with my husband so much, that he will always be my #1 and my daughter, who I love beyond this universe, my #2. My husband and I are leaders in our family. We know our daughter is watching intently to our gestures, communication, how we treat each other, and how we love. Our focus is to constantly show this love, respect, and appreciation throughout her life. Who are the two most important people to show her this? WE ARE! The two most important people in her world. We are her world.

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I am the cook.

So many of my days are often spent in the kitchen, with snack times and meal times. This might be one of my least favourite jobs, but I do find benefit and accomplishment showing my daughter nutritious meals and snacks. The more I show her nutritious meals, she will learn positive eating habits. It's a HUGE accomplishment when she eats it.

I am the nurse.

Whether I am sucking the snot out of my daughters nose or attending to her fever in the middle of the night, I am on call, 24/7. I am the one running the bath, steaming the bathroom to help her congestion, chasing her around the house to give her medicine, but most importantly.. I am the one sitting on the couch, with her curdled up on my lap, with her toesies covered in the blankies, while she fights off the illness she picked up. The best medicine for our little girl is nurse Mommy.

I am a teacher.

Whether your strengths are in math or english, we will eventually have to help teach subjects we once hated. Lucky for me, my daughter isn't quite there yet. I still have time to freshin' up. I am my daughter's teacher. I'm the one covered in glue, playdough, and paint; teaching my daughter arts, crafts, numbers, and shapes. I am the drama teacher, playing creative play, dressing up as princesses and fairies. Even though this role is often a joint effort with my husband, I am the one who is home with my daughter the most. In no time, I will be helping with science projects, bake fairs, and creating flash cards in preparation for tests. Let’s face it, learning and school does not end when the bell rings.

I am the chaeuffer.

Whether I am doing errands or taking my daughter from one appointment to the other, I am the driver. This role has fourteen more years to go, before this role slowly disappears. Until then, pack a snack or even a light meal, because our days are often spent in the car.

I am the maid.

If you thought living with a man was messy, wait until you come over to my house and see what a toddler can do! In 0-60 seconds each room of my house has something out of place. All of my life, I have underestimated how fast and the distance a toddler can travel in a short amount of time. This job can feel long and endless. In the beginning for me, I knew this would be the hardest job for myself, to let go. Letting go of the constant need that our house has to be "guest" worthy. Its ok that the laundry only makes it to the basket and it might take a day or two to for the laundry to make it to the dresser. It’s ok that it has been a couple weeks between washing your floors... after all, if you have a dog, that's what they are for? Haha! We do what we can, with the hours we are given. Just because you let housework slide today or tomorrow, doesn't mean that in a few days from now, or next week it will be the same. Do what you can, when you can do it. Kids are messy and that is a fact of life!

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Let's face it, as a mom, we wear multiple hats. Our job description is longer than the average roll of toilet paper. That's ALOT!! We have to give ourselves way more credit for all of the things we do. We are not "JUST" a mom. Wear the "MOM" title proudly. Own it. Being a mom is a thousand times more than the jobs I've listed above. The next time you hear a mom say, “I am JUST a mom.”, remind them that is not all they are. Remind them that they are EVERYTHING & MORE. Through all of the bodily fluids you might find yourself wearing, own your MOM title and wear it proud! Next time when someone asks you what your job is, tell them